
ANAT401 Yoga Therapy and Pain Management

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We will focus on back pain, SI joint pain, and pelvis by addressing anatomy and biomechanics of joints and muscles. Teachers will gain insights on movements as therapy work to address physical patterns that are limiting range of motion or creating pain. We will look at common injuries and dysfunctions within shoulders and hips, and study anatomy and treatment of structural imbalances.

Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:


· And apply the tools for yoga for specific chronic conditions caused by habitual misalignment.

· Biomechanics and movement as they relate to the spine and pelvis.


· Contraindications for the specific conditions of SI joint pain and techniques for healing and preventing


· The 4 processes for healing an injury in Sattva Yoga Therapy


· Anatomy terms and ROM assessment and limitations

Required reading: none.

Materials to bring: 2 ace bandages (or scarves), standard yoga props (2 blocks, 2 blankets (or 1 blanket and 1 bolster), and strap).

Course Completion Requirements: Attending and participating in the course module (or completing makeup assignments given by the teacher). Write about a particular injury that you or a cohort had that you use a sattva yoga therapy protocol from this weekend. Journal about your use of the protocol. 1-2 x daily for 2 weeks and describe your/their results. Meet with mentor within 30 days of the module.

*Page numbers given in lecture might not match up with the numbers in your source material if you are taking this course asynchronous